People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Changes and updates made to personal names between PoMS 2010 and PoMS 2012

Editorial notes

Please note that the 'headline' versions of many personal names have now been standardised, updated, or corrected. All of the changes made to the forms used in PoMS 2010 are listed below. Here are a few of the guidelines used in making these changes:

  • Where there is a modern recognisable form of a name, this version has been preferred
  • If a name does not appear in a recognisable modern form, but was common in the middle ages, we have adopted standardised spellings based on the orthography of the period, avoiding archaic ‘classical’ forms of names. Our standard forms attempt a balance between vernacular linguistic consistency and the orthography which is suggestive of contemporary pronunciation. For Gaelic names, medieval standard forms have been developed by Prof Ó Maolalaigh. (See also 'Headline forms of Gaelic names')
  • If a name is completely obscure, we have tended to use the spelling found in the source itself
  • In general, vernacular forms have been preferred over Latinate ones. Thus, we have changed Avicia to Avice, Joanna to Joan, and Amabilia to Amabel. Note, however, that in most cases we have retained Matilda rather than Maud, based on the orthography in the sources. Also, we have preferred Cecilia to Cecily, based on modern preference.
  • Note that accent marks do not appear in the headers of pages. However, we have attempted to ensure that accent marks do appear where appropriate in the 'personal name' field and in the translated form of the name on the transaction pages.
  • Note that the final 'r' in Old Norse names has been dropped to reflect contemporary spelling and presumably pronunciation. Note also that in Old English names, ‘Æðel’ has usually been changed to 'Ae', except in cases where orthography suggests it has been retained; note Athelwulf.
  • Latinizations of Gaelic names. Example: Eugenius
    • Gaelic or Scottish form, if orthography suggests, e.g. Ewen
    • Latin form, but context suggests Gaelic name: Eugenius (Ewen)
    • Latin form, and insular name is possibility: Eugene or Ewen in headline form, but forename box is just Eugene. This category likely includes people who deliberately straddle the cultural line
    • Latin form, and definitely not or very unlikely to be latinization of insular name, e.g., Pope Eugenius


Abbreviations used in this section:

CGContinental Germanic
ODan Old Danish
OE Old English
OFr Old French
ON Old Norse


Changes made to headline forms between PoMS 2010 and PoMs 2012

Acarius changed to Acharius (form used elsewhere). Acharius is possibly a form of Achard (CG oak+hardy) below
Aceard standardised to Achard (Forssner, 4)
Achildis probably CG. Changed to Achelid, the form from the earlier of the two sources
Acolf changed to Acwulf (OE)
Acuncius changed to Acontius (figure from Greek mythology)
Adelof changed to Athelwulf (OE)
Adulph changed to Adolf (CG)
Aelfwin changed to Aelfwine
Ailif changed to Eilaf (note all ON forms given without final –r, which contemporary orthography suggests was no longer in use in Britain)
Ailmer changed to Elmer (see Hanks and Hodges)
Alured has been inserted for one of the former Ailreds. This is OE Ealu-ræd, ‘ale-counsel’.
Ailred changed to Aelred, with exception of above Alured. Note that Ethelred (below) is also this name; however, this has been maintained for certain individuals due to precedence in historiography.
Ailric changed to Aelric (OE Æðelric)
Ailsi changed to Aelsi (OE Æðelsige)
Ailward changed to Aelward (OE Æðelweard)
Aimery standardised to Amaury
Alaman changed to Aleman (OFr: ‘German’)
Alanh changed to Alan
Alard has been left as it is, due to contemporary orthography. It is very likely from CG Adelard or Adalhard.
Albicius changed to Albitius
Aldan has been left as it is, reflecting contemporary spelling. The name is from ON Hálfdan and (even more likely) ODan Hal(f)dan. The few cases of ‘Haldan’ have been standardised to Aldan.
Aldred has been left as it is, reflecting contemporary orthography. OE Ealdred.
Aldwin changed to Aldwine (OE Ealdwine)
Alewin changed to Alwine (prob. OE Æthelwine or, less likely, Ælfwine). I have followed DLV, ii, 89, in my treatment of this name.
Alfric changed to Aelfric (OE Ælfric)
Alfwald changed to Aelfwald (OE Ælfweald)
Alfwin changed to Alwine
Algar has been left as it is (OE Ælfgar)
Alicia standardised as Alice
Aliz standardised as Alice (CG Adalhaid, earlier Adeliza)
Alun has been left as it is. This represents two things:

a) a gaelicization of Alwine (note same person as Alfwine)

b) an alternative northern French form of Alan
Alwin changed to Alwine (note this is also the forerunner of modern Alvin)
Alwold changed to Aelfwald (OE Ælfweald)
Alyx changed to Alix
Amabilis standardised as Amabel
Amfrid changed to Amfred (CG)
Amicia standardised as Amice
Anabel standardised as Amabel
Anechul standardised as Anecol
Angerius has changed to Angier (OFr)
Anketil standardised to Ansketill, from ON Ásketill. Cf. Normanised version, An(s)ketin
Ankle changed to Anke. Possibly short for Anketin.
Annabella standardised as Amabel. The name was clearly in a process of transition from Amabilis and Amabilia, perhaps under the influence of Anna, to Anabel and Annabella, but it was felt preferable to standardise all of these forms. See also related forms beginning in M, eg. Mabilla, which have been standardised as Mabel.
Anna changed to Anne
Annegucius changed to Angus/removed
Ansketil standardised to Ansketill, from ON Ásketill
Archill standardised to Arkil (ODan Ar(n)kil)
Athelstan changed to Aelstan, to reflect contemporary orthography (OE Ælfstan)
Audun standardised to Audoen
Aulay changed to Amlaib
Avelina changed to Aveline (see Hanks and Hodges)
Avicia changed to Avice (see Hanks and Hodges)
Avis changed to Avice
Aweley changed to Aulay
Aylbrith changed to Aelbeorht
Aylward changed to Aelward (OE Æðelweard)
Azo changed to Ace
Balmedus (late transcription error) changed to Baldwin
Bareth changed to Barach
Baudric standardised to Baldric
Bedin mistranscription for Beolin?
Beldin changed to Beollan?
Berculf changed to Bertolf
Berneger changed to Berengar
Berner changed to Bernier (OFr)
Berowald changed to Berewald
Berthin changed to Bertin (OFr)
Beth changed to Aed (Heth)
Bochly changed to Búachaill (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Bolin changed to Beollan (Gc. Béollán)
Bonde standardised to Bonda
Boydin changed to Bodin
Bridoc changed to Brigtóc (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Bridoch changed to Brigtóc (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Bruide changed to Bridin
Buadhach changed to Búadach (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Burt changed to Bertin
Burunhild changed to Brunhild
Buthou changed to Búadach (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Cainneach changed to Cainnech (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Carimer changed to Carun
Cennéitech changed to Kennedy
Chinbethin standardised to Cimbaeth
Christina relevant persons have been changed to Christiana
Cimbaetha standardised to Cimbaeth
Claricia changed to Clarice
Clarembault changed to Clarebald
Clibarn changed to Clibern
Coirbre changed to Cairpre (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Cokin standardised to Cockin
Cokyn standardised to Cockin
Colm changed to Colman
Comgell changed to Coimgell (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Coning changed to Conaing (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Connel standardised to Conall
Connell standardised to Conall
Constancia changed to Constance
Cristin changed to Christian, although note that C(h)ristinus is by far more common than Christianus. Many of these appear in a Gaelic context, and something like ‘Cristin’ may have been used as a hypocoristic form of Gillecrist (Gilchrist)
Croscrach changed to Coscrach (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Cunyg changed to Conaing (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Dafydd standardised to David
Deremod changed to Dermot
Dionisia changed to Denise
Diukach changed to Diuccach
Dompnald changed to Donald
Drew changed to Druet (OFr Druet, diminutive of CG Drogo)
Dubgall standardised to Dougal
Duf changed to Duff (Gc. Dub)
Dufflimiche changed to Dub Loingsig
Dufsyth changed to Dub Side
Duftach changed to Dubthach
Duibhne changed to Duibne
Donancie changed to Donancia
Dunantia changed to Donancia
Dune changed to Duna (OE Dun(n)a)
Dunsith changed to Dub Side
Dunslene changed to Donn Sleibe
Duthac changed to Dubthach
Eadive changed to Eadgifu
Eadulf standardised to Eadwulf
Earnulf left as is, either OE Earnwulf or CG Arnulf
Eda note Eda has been kept distinct from Ada. It appears to be an OE name short for such English names as Edith.
Edolf standardised to Eadwulf
Edred changed to Eadred
Edrick changed to Eadric
Edulf standardised to Eadwulf
Eggard changed to Ecgheard
Eggou changed to Áed (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Eggu changed to Áed (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Egi changed to Áed (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Eilas corrected to Elias
Eilif standardised to Eilaf
Eldred changed to Aldred
Elena changed to Helen
Elfgar changed to Aelfgar
Elfstan changed to Aelfstan
Elfwald changed to Aelfweald
Elgi standardised to Aelsi (OE either Ælfsige or Æðelsige)
Eli corrected to Elias
Eliecorrected to Elias
Eloise changed to Heloise
Elsi standardised to Aelsi (OE either Ælfsige or Æðelsige)
Elstan changed to Aelfstan
Elwin changed to Alwine
Elzi standardised to Aelsi (OE either Ælfsige or Æðelsige)
Erik standardised to Eric
Erlbricht changed to Ealbeorht
Erlwin changed to Eorlwine
Erneway changed to Earnwig
Ernulf standardised to Arnulf
Essok changed to Essoc
Estmund changed to Eastmund
Etherd corrected to Ethred. Left in this form, but probably short for Ethelred.
Eudonis changed to Eudo
Eugenius (Ewen)added, for names of individuals who were probably named Ewen, but appear in the sources only under the latinization ‘Eugenius’.
Eustachia changed to Eustacia
Eutropius changed to Eutrope
Eva standardised to Eve
Eward corrected to Everard
Ewen some cases transferred to new Eugenius (Ewen) option; note also some cases of Eugene or Ewen listed under Eugene (see notes above)
Fallethauh standardised to Falletauch
Ferdomnac changed to Ferdomnach
Ferhar standardised to Fearchar
Ferthet standardised to Ferteth
Fin standardised to Finn
Fogall changed to Fugl (Scandinavian, ‘bird’, prob. under influence of OE Fugul, with same meaning)
Fohgel changed to Fugl
Fothad changed to Fothad
Frepebald changed to Fredebald
Fuel changed to Fuel (Fugul?)
Furni changed to Forni (ON Forni, ‘the old one’)
Gamaliel changed to Gamel
Garvath changed to Garvach
Gerold standardised to Gerald
Gibbon changed to Gibouin (OFr Gibouin or Gibuin, from CG Gibewin)
Gibun changed to Gibouin
Gilandrew changed to Gillanders (modern form in Hanks and Hodges)
Gilasald changed to Gilla Asaild (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilbethoc changed to Gilla Bethóic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilhys changed to Gillies (modern form in Hanks and Hodges)
Giladuenan changed to Gilla Adomnáin (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilbride changed to Gilla Brigte (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilbriht changed to Gilbert
Gilconnell changed to Gilla Conaill (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilfolan changed to Gilla Fáeláin (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilise changed to Gillies (modern form in Hanks and Hodges)
Gilla-Aldan changed to Gilla Aldain (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillandres changed to Gillanders (modern form in Hanks and Hodges)
Gille changed to Gilla (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gille Brigte changed to Gilla Brigte (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gille-Callíne changed to Gilla Caillíne (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gille Ferchair changed to Gillerachcah (form in document)
Gille Mo-Luóc changed to Gilmelonoc (form in document)
Gille-Petairchanged to Gilla Petair (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilleandres changed to Gillanders (modern form in Hanks and Hodges)
Gilleandrew changed to Gillanders (modern form in Hanks and Hodges)
Gilleasald changed to Gilla Asaild (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilleauenam changed to Gilla na Náem (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillebeuhoc changed to Gilla Begóic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilleblaan changed to Gilla Blááin (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillecatfar changed to Gilla Cathbhairr (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillecoimded changed to Gilla Coimded (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillecolm changed to Gilla Coluim (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillecomgaill changed to Gilla Comgaill and Gilla Congail (two persons)
Gilleconel changed to Gilla Conaill (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillecostentin changed to Gilla Cosaintín (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillecunil changed to Gilla Conaill (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillecuthbert changed to Gilla Cuithpeirt (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilledoueny changed to Gilla Domnaig (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilleduib changed to Gilla Duib (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillefalyn changed to Gilla Fáeláin (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillefelan changed to Gilla Fáeláin (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillegirig changed to Gilla Giric (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilleglasse changed to Gilla Glas (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillemahagu changed to Gilla Mo Fhécu (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillemanthach changed to Gilla Mantach (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillemartinchanged to Gilla Martain (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillemayrtin changed to Gilla Martain (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillemichael changed to Gilla Míchéil (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillemichel changed to Gilla Míchéil (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillemoluag changed to Gilla Mo Luóic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillenef changed to Gilla na Náem (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillenem changed to Gilla na Náem (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillepatric changed to Gilla Pátraic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillepedair changed to Gilla Petair (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillesald changed to Gilla Asaild (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilleserf changed to Gilla Seirb (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillesnes changed to Gilla na Náem (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillesp'changed to Gillespie (modern form in Hanks and Hodges)
Gillespic changed to Gillespie (modern form in Hanks and Hodges)
Gilletalargyn changed to Gilla Talorcain (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilletheny changed to Gilla Eithne (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillethomas changed to Gilla Tomáis (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilliana changed to Gillian
Gillmachoi changed to Gilla Mo Choe (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillolane changed to Gilla Fáeláin (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gillscop changed to Gillespie (modern form in Hanks and Hodges)
Gilmagu changed to Gilla Mo Fhécu (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilmakessock changed to Gilla Mo Chessóic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilmaluoc changed to Gilla Mo Luóic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilmartin changed to Gilla Martain (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilmornoch changed to Gilla M’Ernóic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilmodan changed to Gilla M’Áedáin (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilmokessoc changed to Gilla Mo Chessóic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilmore changed to Gilla Muire (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilpatrick changed to Gilla Pátraic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilserf changed to Gilla Seirb (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gilwynin changed to Gilla Winnin (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Godfrid changed to Godfrey
Gormund changed to Gomund
Gocelin standardised to Jocelin
Gosselin changed to OFr Gislin
Gout changed to ON Gauti
Goze changed to CG Gozo
Gunnild standardised to Gunnhild
Gunnilda standardised to Gunnhild
Guostuf changed to Gos Duib (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Gyllemallouock changed to Gilla Mo Luoic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Haimo standardised to Hamo (OFr Hamo)
Haldan standardised to Aldan
Hammond changed to Hamund (ON Hámundr)
Harvey standardised to Hervey (from Old Breton Aeruiu, probably with influence from Old German Herewig)
Hasculf changed to Asculf
Hasting changed to Astin
Hercar standardised to Fearchar
Heth changed to Aed
Hethna changed to Eithne
Hugolinus changed to Hugelin
Hulf changed to Ulf
Hutting changed to Uhting
Impethin changed to Cimbaíthín
Ingemundr changed to Ingemund
Inmud changed to Ingemund
Isabella changed to Isabel
Isolda changed to Isolde
Ivan changed to Ewen (note forms Iwanus, Iuanus)
Ivar changed to Ivarr (ON Ívarr)
Iveca changed to Juet
Ivette changed to Yvette
Ivor changed to Ivarr (ON Ívarr)
Janou changed to John
Joel has been left as is, but note this is likely O Breton Judhael.
Katerina standardised to Katherine
Kelledared changed to Gilla Doraid?
Kennauch changed to Cainnech (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Kenneth note that Cináed has been rendered as Kenneth (or Cainnech where appropriate)
Kerald changed to Cairell (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Kessan changed to Cessán (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Kessy changed to Cessán (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Ketell changed to Ketill
Kilgirg changed to Gilla Giric (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Killeserf changed to Gilla Seirb (Gilleserf) (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Kineth changed to Kenneth (modern form)
Laysing changed to Leysing (ON Leysingr)
Leising changed to Leysing (ON Leysingr)
Lestelin changed to Lesceline
Levif (or Ligiva) changed to Leofgifu
Lorin changed to Loarn (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Lorn changed to Loarn (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Lorne changed to Loarn (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Lucas changed to Luke
Mabilla standardised to Mabel
Macbethad standardised to Macbeth
Machasal changed to Mathusalem
Machus standardised to Maccus
Macraht standardised to Mac Raith (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Macraith standardised to Mac Raith (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Macrath standardised to Mac Raith (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Maddad changed to Matad(in) (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Madethin changed to Matadín (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Madith changed to Matad (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Maduff changed to Matad (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Mael-Bricechanged to Máel Briccín (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Maeldomhnaich changed to Máel Domnaig (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Mael-Domnaigchanged to Máel Domnaig (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Maelduine changed to Máel Dúin (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Mael-Feichín changed to Máel Fhéchín (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Mael-Giricchanged to Máel Giric (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Mael-Petair changed to Máel Petair (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Magotechanged to Magot
Malbet changed to Máel Bethad (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Malbeth changed to Máel Bethad (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Malbride changed to Máel Brigte (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Maldoven changed to Máel Domnaig (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Malgirhe changed to Máel Giric (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Malkirg changed to Máel Giric (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Malmartin changed to Máel Martain (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Malmure changed to Máel Muire (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Malnecte changed to Máel Snechta (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Malpatric changed to Máel Pátraic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Malpole changed to Maél Póil (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Malsuahit changed to Máel Snechta (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Maluine changed to Máel Dúin (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Manny changed to Marinus
Marie standardised to Mary
Marius changed to Máel Ruanaid
Marjory standardised to Margery
Mathus changed to Mathusalem
Maud please note that this name was generally rendered as Matilda in Latin documents, and only persons with the spelling ‘Maud’, ‘Mahald’, etc., have been given the headline form Maud.
Maurice changed to Mauricius (Murdoch) and Maurice or Murdoch where relevant
Meldred changed to Maldred
Merevin changed to Merewine (OE Merewine or Mærwine)
Merewin changed to Merewine (OE Merewine or Mærwine)
Mervin changed to Merfyn (Mervyn)
Molcal changed to Malcolm
Molpatrick changed to Máel Pátraic (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Mordach changed to Murdoch (modern form)
Muiredach changed to Murdoch (modern form)
Murchertach changed to Muirchertach (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Murethach changed to Maurice or Murdoch
Muriertach changed to Muirchertach (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Murthac changed to Murdoch (modern form)
Muryn changed to Muireann (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Nacthin changed to Nechtan (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Nakerd has been removed
Niall changed to Nigel, Nigellus (Niall), and Niall or Nigel as appropriate
Octer changed to Ottar (ON Óttarr)
Octone changed to Otto
Ofolfus changed to Oswulf
Ogg changed to Oddger (ODan Oddger; ON Oddgeirr; OFr Ogier)
Ogier changed to Oddger (ODan Oddger; ON Oddgeirr; OFr Ogier)
Onlaue changed to Olaf
Orabilis changed to Orable
Osulf changed to Oswulf (OE Oswulf, prob. under influence of ON Ásulfr)
Oter changed to Ottar (ON Óttarr) or Odher (CG)
Other changed to Ottar (ON Óttarr) or Odher (CG)
Owain standardised to Owen (modern English form in Hanks and Hodges)
Padin changed to Páitín (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Pagan standardised to Pain
Pandulph changed to Pandulf
Patin changed to Páitín (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Peleryn changed to Pelerin
Pert has been removed
Raanulf changed to Ranulf
Raganilda changed to Ragnhild
Ragnal changed to Ragnall (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Ragnulf changed to Ranulf
Rainald changed to Reynaud
Rainer changed to Ranier
Rawenild changed to Ragnhild
Reimbald changed to Rainbald
Reinald changed to Reynaud
Roald changed to Ronald
Roderic changed to Rory
Roesya changed to Rohese
Rognvald changed to Ragnvald
Romay changed to Rómfari (Scand. name indicating a traveller to Rome)
Romfar changed to Rómfari (Scand. name indicating a traveller to Rome)
Rompharus changed to Rómfari (Scand. name indicating a traveller to Rome)
Ronald changed to Ragnall (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Rotheric changed to Rory
Rothry changed to Rory
Roys changed to Rohese
Ruadri changed to Rory
Ruairi changed to Rory
Sara changed to Sarah
Sauer changed to Savaric
Sawer changed to Savaric
Scolastica changed to Scholastica
Selburg changed to Seleburh (OE)
Seolf changed to Sæwulf
Sewal changed to Sewale
Sigrith has been left as is, but note this is a fem. Scand. name, ON Sigríðr or ODan Sighrith
Simbald changed to Sinebald
Simund changed to Sigmund, from OE Sigemund.
Siric changed to Sigeric
Siward has been retained for ON Sigvarðr
Sloclac changed to Slúagadach (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Sodelbh changed to Soidelb (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Somerled has been retained for ON Sumarlíðr; Gaelic Somhairle.
Sorn changed to Forni (ON Forni)
Spilman standardised to Spileman (OE Spilemann, ‘jester’)
Sprot is from ON Sprottr
Stor changed to Stóri (Scand.)
Suannoch changed to Súanach (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Sungeue changed to Sunnifa (ON Sunnifa; ODan Sunniva)
Suard changed to Siward
Suthen changed to Suthain (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Swain has been retained for ON Sveinn/ ODan Swen. Note some forms may represent OE Swan.
Swartbrand changed to Svartbrand (ON Svartbrandr)
Sybilla changed to Sybil
Syrith changed to Sigrith
Teodbold changed to Theobald
Terri changed to Terry
Terricus changed to Terry
Therkil standardised to Thurkil (from ON Þorketill, ODan Thorkil or Thurkil)
Therthelnac changed to Tairdelbach (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Thierry changed to Terry
Thorkill standardised to Thurkil (from ON Þorketill, ODan Thorkil or Thurkil)
Thrust'changed to Thurstan
Thurebrand changed to Thurbrand (ON Þorbrandr)
Tigernaig changed to Tigerna (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Tigerne changed to Tigerna (standard medieval Gaelic form)
Tocce changed to Tóki (ON)
Tock changed to Tóki (ON)
Torphin standardised to Thurfinn (ON Þorfinnr)
Turkil standardised to Thurkil (from ON Þorketill, ODan Thorkil or Thurkil)
Turstan changed to Thurstan
Umfrid changed to Humphrey
Unspac changed to Óspak (ON Óspakr)
Urse standardised to Urs (modern form in Hanks & Hodges for Urso, Urse)
Ursus standardised to Urs (modern form in Hanks & Hodges for Urso, Urse)
Utting changed to Uhting
Uvieth changed to Uviet (OE Wulfgeat)
Vilchil changed to Ulkil
Vital changed to Vitalis
Vivenus standardised to Vivian
Waldef standardised to Waltheof
Walran standardised to Waleran
Warland has been removed
Wascelin has been corrected to Walkelin
Wilbran changed to Wulfbrand
Winfred changed to Humphrey (Umfrid)
Wlbrand changed to Wulfbrand
Wlmer changed to Wulfmaer (note OE Wulfmær)
Wlphe changed to Wulf
Wymark changed to Wimarc
Wyot changed to Guyot
Wysman changed to Wiseman
Wyth changed to Guy
Ylif changed to Eilaf
Yrgalac changed to Írgalach (standard medieval Gaelic form)