People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Settlement of case between Melrose Abbey and William, knight of Hownam

Type of Transaction
From Source
4/32/19 (Melr. Lib., no. 133)
Firm date
17 June 1208 X 1209
Dating Notes
Succession of Abbot Henry of Kelso × succession of Abbot Geoffrey of Dryburgh to abbacy of Alnwick.

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Judge Patrick, abbot of Dunfermline (fl.1202-17×1223) P P[atrick], abbot of Dunfermline 1204 × 1217
Judge Geoffrey, abbot of Dryburgh (fl.1203-09×) G G[eoffrey], abbot of Dryburgh 1196 × 1208
Judge Arnold, prior of Coldingham (fl.c.1195×1207-08×11) A A[rnold], prior of Coldingham 1203 × 1208
Party 1 Melrose Abbey (fd.1136) Abbatis et conuentus de MelR' abbot and convent of Melrose 1147 × 1309
Party 2 William of Hownam, son of John, son of Orm (d.1227) Willelmus William, knight of Hownam 1185 × 1226

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
William Malveisin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1238) Willelmo Sir William, bishop of St Andrews 1185 × 1237 1
Walter of St Albans, bishop of Glasgow (d.1232) Waltero Sir Walter, bishop of Glasgow 1194 × 1232 2
Henry, abbot of Kelso (d.1218) Henrico Henry, abbot of Kelso 1208 × 1216 3
John of Leicester, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1214) Johanne Master John, archdeacon of Lothian 1194 × 1212 4
Henry, archdeacon of Dunkeld (fl.1183×1203-1220×25) Henrico Master Henry, archdeacon of Dunkeld 1182 × 1221 5
Hugh, monk of Kelso Hugone Hugh, monk of Kelso 1160 × 1208 6
Walter, monk of Kelso Waltero Walter, monk of Kelso 1208 × 1208 7
Elias, monk of Coldingham Helya Elias, monk of Coldingham 1208 × 1208 8
William, monk of Coldingham Willelmo William, monk of Coldingham 1208 × 1208 9
Thomas, canon of Newsome Thoma Thomas, canon of Newsome 1208 × 1208 10
Walter, canon of Dryburgh Waltero Walter, canon of Dryburgh 1208 × 1208 11
Acontius, master, subdeacon and papal chaplain Acontio Master Acuncius 1208 × 1208 12
Laurence of Thornton, archdeacon of St Andrews (d.1238×40) Laurentio Mater Laurence, official 1203 × 1241 13
Michael, master, clerk, chaplain (fl.1201-1220×25) Michaele Michael, clerk of the bishop of St Andrews 1201 × 1220 14
Stephen of Lilliesleaf, master, clerk, persona Stephano Stephen, clerk of the bishop of St Andrews 1203 × 1227 15
Alan of Crichton, master (fl.1198×1211) Alano de crectune Master Alan of Crichton 1209 × 1218 16
Richard Murray, master (fl.1204-27) Ricardo de Murreuia Master Richard of Moray 1209 × 1227 17
Adam of Perth, master, canon of Dunkeld (d.p.1210) Ada de Pert Master Adam of Perth 1189 × 1229 18
William of Ednam, master, archdeacon of Dunkeld (d.1251×57) Willelmo de Edenham Master William of Ednam 1209 × 1245 19
Henry of St Andrews, master (fl.1202×07-1210×16) Henrico de sancto Andrea Master Henry of St Andrews 1202 × 1210 20
Walter, monk of Dunfermline Waltero Walter, monk of Dunfermline 1208 × 1208 21
Richard Nanus (le Nain) Ricardo nano Richard Nanus 1190 × 1214 22
Thomas Colville 'Scot', lord of Keresban (d.1219) Thoma de Coleuile Thomas of Colville 1186 × 1215 23
Richard of Coxwald Ricardo de kukewald Richard of Coxwald 1208 × 1208 24
Michael of Makerstoun Michaele de malcaruuestun Michael of Makerston 1208 × 1208 25
William, clerk of Alan of Crichton Willelmo William, clerk of Master Alan of Crichton 1208 × 1208 26