People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of peatery of Brown Moss and other lands and rights in Gordon (BWK)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/250/10 (Kel. Lib., no. 122)
Firm date
Probable date
mid-13th century
Dating Notes
as <em>Kelso Liber</em>, i, no. 121
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
Tenendas original language
in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam
Sicut clause
Included; kingdom; Scotia
Previous mentions of charter
Corroboration / sealing
Spiritual Benefits
Ancestors (pro anima); Any Spiritual Benefit; Daughter(s) (pro salute anime); For redemption of souls; Self (pro salute anime); Successors (pro anima); Wife (pro salute anime); with my body/our bodies
Witnesses in original, but not copied into cartulary

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Thomas Gordon (son of Thomas) Thomas de Gordun' filius Thome de Gordun' Thomas of Gordon son of Thomas of Gordon 1248 × 1258
Consentor Margery, wife of Thomas Gordon (son of Thomas) Mariori vxoris mee Marjory, my wife
Beneficiary Kelso Abbey ecclesie beate Marie de Kelchou et Abbati et monachis ibidem church of blessed Mary of Kelso and the Abbot and the monks there 1131 × 1311
Previous landholder Patrick Burnard Patricii Burnard Patrick Burnard
Neighbouring landholder Richard Fleming Ricardus flandrensis Richard of Flanders 1194 × 1228
Neighbouring landholder Henry Hogg Henrici de Hoga Henry of Hogg 1296 × 1296
named person (transaction) Unknown, archdeacon of Lothian Archideacono Laodonie archdeacon of Lothian 1248 × 1273
named person (transaction) Officials of St Andrews officialis officials 1199 × 1202

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
BWK (Berwickshire) part of peatery of Brown Moss partem pettarie mee que vocatur brun mos in territorio de Gordun Gordon
BWK (Berwickshire) 8 parcels in Gordon octo percatas terre Gordon
BWK (Berwickshire) land in villa of Gordon totam terram illam Gordon
BWK (Berwickshire) 2 oxgangs in Gordon duas bouatas terre Gordon
BWK (Berwickshire) moor and land at 'Brademedue' moram et terram in territorio de Gordun [...] incipiendo apud Brademedue Gordon

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
licence to build bridge Gordon licenciam dedi eis faciendi pontem BWK (Berwickshire)
permission to take wood (or timber), easements of wood permission to take wood (or timber), easements of wood licentre [...] accipiant de bosco meo
right to dig peat right to dig peat licenciam et libertatem [...] uellendi bruerium