People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Exchange of an oxgang in Mow for an oxgang in Mowhope (ROX)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/421/10 (Kel. Lib., no. 156)
Firm date
18 September 1202 X 5 May 1236
Dating Notes
the bishop of St Andrews whose chaplain was Edward was William Malveisin x death of William Avenel (<em>Calendar Inquest Post Mortem Henry III</em>, no. 4)
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
Tenendas original language
in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam
Sicut clause
Included; kingdom; Scotia
Spiritual Benefits
Any Spiritual Benefit; Father (pro salute anime); Mother (pro salute anime); Self (pro salute anime)

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Alexander, son of William son of Edgar Alex' filius Willemi filius eadgari Alexander son of William son of Edgar 1202 × 1202
Grantor Isolde, daughter of Anselm of Mow Isolda filia Ans' de Molle vxor illius Isolda, daughter of Anselm of Mow, his wife 1202 × 1236
Beneficiary Kelso Abbey ecclesie sancte Marie de Kelch' et monachis ibidem church of Saint Mary of Kelso and the monks there 1131 × 1311
Neighbouring landholder Alexander, son of William son of Edgar 1202 × 1202
Neighbouring landholder Isolde, daughter of Anselm of Mow 1202 × 1236
Neighbouring landholder Henry the Fat (le Gros) Henr' Grossus Henry the Fat
named person (transaction) Agnes, wife of Anselm of Mow Agnetis quondam uxoris Ans' de Molle Agnes, once the wife of Anselm of Mow

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Richard of Lincoln (Senior) Ric' de Nichole Richard of Lincoln 1177 × 1237 1
William Avenel, persona, brother of Roger Willemo Auenel William Avenel 1199 × 1224 2
Simon Mauleverer Sim' Malleuerer Simon Mauleverer 1208 × 1234 3
Richard Scot Ric' Scoto Richard Scot 1213 × 1251 4
Nicholas of Mow Nichol' de Molle Nicholas of Mow 1186 × 1202 5
Edward Murray, master, canon, bishop's clerk Edwardo Edward, chaplain of the lord bishop of Saint Andrews 1202 × 1235 6
Andrew Maunsel (late 12C-early 13C) Andr' Mansel Andrew Maunsel 1202 × 1207 7
Walter, steward (Mow) Walt' senescaldo Walter the steward 1202 × 1236 8
William of Warter Willemo de Wartre William of Warter 1202 × 1236 9
Adam of Westwick Ada de Westwic' Adam of Westwick 1202 × 1236 10
Richard, clerk (Mow) Ric' Richard the clerk 1177 × 1202 11
Adam de Burneville Ada de bernewile Adam de Burneville 1221 × 1236 12
Simon Morrell Sym' Morel Simon Morrell 1202 × 1214 13
J., grieve of Sprouston J. J., grieve of Sprouston 1202 × 1202 14
Alan de Cotton Alano de Cotun Alan de Cotton 1202 × 1202 15
Simon of Bolton Sym de Boulton Simon of Bolton 1202 × 1202 16

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
ROX (Roxburghshire) oxgang in Mow unam bouatam terre in territorio de Molle Mow
ROX (Roxburghshire) oxgang in Mowhope unam bouatam terre in Mollehopes Mow