People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Renewal of land in Hadden (ROX)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/265/4 (Kel. Lib., no. 205)
Firm date
23 March 1189 X 17 September 1194
Dating Notes
may be 18 Oct. 1194 x 2 Feb. 1196, it depends on which R. Abbot of Melrose it refers to, either dates of Rayner or succession of Radulf x Simon's successor in office as archdeacon of Glasgow
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
Tenendas original language
in liberam et perpetuam elemosinam
free and quit from all service and/or aid, custom and exaction
Exemptions original language
liber erit ab omni seruicio et ab omni auxilio et ab omni alia consuetudine
Sicut clause
Included; kingdom; Scotia
Spiritual Benefits
Ancestors (pro salute anime); Any Spiritual Benefit; Self (pro salute anime); Successors (pro salute anime); Wife (pro salute anime)

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Bernard of Hadden, sheriff of Roxburgh Bernardus de hauden Bernard of Hadden 1179 × 1246
Beneficiary Kelso Abbey ecclesie sancte Marie de Kelch' et monachis ibidem church of Saint Mary of Kelso and the monks there 1131 × 1311

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Simon, archdeacon of Glasgow (fl.1165×74-1195×96) Sym' Simon the archdeacon 1174 × 1195 1
R., abbot of Melrose R R abbot of Melrose 1189 × 1194 2
W., prior of Carham W W prior of Carham 1189 × 1194 3
Hugh, king's chaplain and clerk (episcopal witness) H Hugh the king's chaplain, clerk 1157 × 1200 4
John, dean (ROX) Johanne John the dean 1189 × 1189 5
John of Huntingdon, master, official of Glasgow (fl.1179×1208) Johanne de hunted' John of Huntingdon 1185 × 1208 6
William, persona of Liberton Willemo William persona of Liberton 1189 × 1194 7

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Pro salute William I, king of Scots (d.1214) Willemi King William, my lord 1145 × 1213

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
ROX (Roxburghshire) ploughgate with toft and croft in Hadden unam carucatam Hadden
ROX (Roxburghshire) toft in Hadden quandam toftam Hadden
ROX (Roxburghshire) 10 acres in Hadden decem acres terre Hadden
ROX (Roxburghshire) land in Hadden terram illam que est ex utraque parte uie Hadden