People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Quitclaim of 2 oxgangs in Annan (DMF) in exchange for two oxgangs in Moffat (DMF)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/233/1 (TNA, DL 25/86)
Firm date
Dating Notes
by 1245 in Fraser's <em>Annandale</em>; Macquarrie gives 1245 × 95, poss. c. 1250
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Roger Francis (the Frenchman) (son of William) Rogerus fil' Willelmi francisci' Roger, son of William Francis 1245 × 1245
Beneficiary Robert Bruce V, lord of Annandale (d.1295) Roberto de Brus Sir Robert de Brus, lord of Annandale 1237 × 1294
Previous landholder William Francis (the Frenchman) Willelmus franciscus pater meus William Francis, my father 1196 × 1251

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
John de Romundeby, knight Johanne de Rumundebi Sir John de Romundeby 1245 × 1245 1
Humphrey of Kirkpatrick, knight Humfr' de kirkepatric Sir Humphrey of Kirkpatrick 1233 × 1249 2
Roger of Kirkpatrick, knight Rogero fratre eius Sir Roger, his brother 1211 × 1245 3
Gilbert Johnstone (son of John) Gilberto de Joneston Sir Gilbert of Johnston 1198 × 1249 4
Robert de Heriz, knight Roberto de Herice Sir Robert de Heriz 1233 × 1272 5
Humphrey Mauleverer Humfr' maul[e]ver Sir Humphrey Mauleverer 1245 × 1245 6
William de Heineville Willelmo de Heneuil' William de Henevile 1198 × 1245 7
Adam English/Dunwoodie Ada de Dumwdhi Adam de Dunwoodie 1198 × 1245 8

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
DMF (Dumfriesshire) 2 oxgangs in Annan duas bouatas terre [...] in territorio de Anand versus Weremundebi Annan
DMF (Dumfriesshire) 2 oxgangs in Moffat duarum bouatar' terre [...] in territorio de moffet Moffat