People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of church of Lathrisk (FIF)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/346/1 (St A. Lib., 254-5)
Firm date
circa 1170 X 1178
Dating Notes
Point at which Robert de Quincy and Orabilis divorced × royal confirmation (<em>RRS</em> ii, no. 150)
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
Tenendas original language
in elemosinam
free and quit from all service and/or aid, custom and exaction
Exemptions original language
ab omni exacione seculari
Sicut clause
Spiritual Benefits
Ancestors (pro anima); Any Spiritual Benefit; Self (pro salute anime); Successors (pro anima)

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Ness, son of William, lord of Leuchars (d.1178×83) Nesius filius Willelmi Ness son of William 1156 × 1178
Grantor Orable, daughter of Ness son of William orabile filia sua heres illius Orabilis his daughter and heir 1172 × 1178
Beneficiary St Andrews Cathedral Priory canonicis in ecclesia sancti Andree apostoli canons in church of St Andrews 1140 × 1309

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
John, master (Fife) iohanne Master John 1170 × 1170 1
Stephen, clerk, persona of Leuchars stephane Stephen the clerk 1178 × 1192 2
Gilbert, clerk of Kinloch Gilleberto Gilbert the clerk of Kinloch 1170 × 1170 3
Philip, chaplain of Leuchars Philippo Philip chaplain of Leuchars 1170 × 1170 4
Robert, chaplain (St Andrews, 12C) Roberto Robert chaplain of St Andrews 1178 × 1178 5
Henry, judex (FIF) henrico Henry the judex 1170 × 1170 6
Warin of Leuchars gwarino de loheres Warin of Leuchars 1172 × 1178 7
Eadwulf, man of Ness of Leuchars hedolf Eadwulf, man of Sir Ness 1172 × 1178 8
Uhting, man of Ness of Leuchars hunting Uhting, man of Sir Ness 1170 × 1170 9

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
FIF (Fife) church of Lathrisk ecclesiam de losresch Lathrisk