People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Renewal of collation of church of Craigie (AYR)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/350/26 (Pais. Reg., 233)
Firm date
circa December 1272
Dating Notes
Probably at same time as charter by Thomas, lord of Craigie (<em>Paisley Reg.</em>, 232-3)
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms; of me and my heirs
Tenendas original language
de nostris et heredibus nostris in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam
Sicut clause
Previous mentions of charter
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Walter Lindsay (VI), son of David of Barnweill Walterus de Lyndesay Sir Walter of Lindsey knight, son and heir of late Christina Hosé, heir of Sir John Hose, knight 1266 × 1309
Grantor Matilda, sister of Christina Hosé Matildis soro ejusdem Christiane Matilda, sister of the same Christina, heir of Sir John Hose, knight 1272 × 1272
Beneficiary Paisley Abbey (fd.1169) Sancto Jacobo et Sancto Mirino de Passelet St James and St Mirin of Paisley 1163 × 1304
Sicut Clause Walter Hosé Walteri Hose Sir Walter Hose 1173 × 1177
Sealer Ralph de Par', dean of Ayr and Kyle (fl.1269-72) Radulfi Sir Ralph, vicar of Ayr, then dean of Kyle 1269 × 1272

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Thomas Crook, knight Thoma Crok Thomas Crok, knight 1229 × 1272 1
William Lockhart Wilelmo Locard William Lockhart, knight 1249 × 1272 2
Richard Wallace (13C) Ricardo Waleyss Richard Wallace, knight 1219 × 1272 3
Robert Wallace Roberto Waleyss Robert Wallace 1272 × 1272 4
Walter de Boht Waltero de Boht Walter de Boht 1272 × 1272 5
Richard de Merlay (13C) Ricardo de Merlay Richard de Merley 1272 × 1272 6
Finlay of Clourotrich Fynlaio de Clouchrocherg Finlay of Clourotrich 1270 × 1272 7
Walter Picknoc Waltero Pyknoc Walter Picknoc 1270 × 1284 8
John, son of Alan, of Leny Johanne filio Alani John son of Alan 1270 × 1304 9
Bertram of Prestwick Bartramo de Prestwyc Bertram of Prestwick 1272 × 1272 10