People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Quitclaim of half the land of Renton

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/496/3 (ND, App., no. 376)
Firm date
circa 1275 X 1291
Dating Notes
Probably the same time as 3/496/2
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Robert, son of Patrick, of Renton Robertus filius Patricii de Raynigtona Robert, son of Patrick, of Renton 1275 × 1275
Beneficiary Coldingham Priory (fd.1139) beate Marie, sancto Cuthberto, et dominis meis priori et conuentui de Coldigham blessed Mary, Saint Cuthbert, and my lords the prior and convent of Coldingham 1107 × 1368

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Henry of Prenderguest (II) knight Henr' de Prenderg' Sir Henry of Prenderguest, knight 1245 × 1300 1
Philip of Linton Philippo de Lintona Philip of Linton, constable of Berwick 1281 × 1296 2
Peter of Mordington, knight Petr' de Morthingtona Peter of Mordington 1271 × 1291 3
William of Paxton Willelmo de Paxtona William of Paxton 1280 × 1280 4
Gilbert of Lumsdaine Gilbert' de Lummisden Gilbert of Lumsdaine 1234 × 1285 5
William of Ayton Willelmo de Aytona William of Ayton 1276 × 1296 6
Robert, hopper of Coldingham Robert' Hopper Robert, hopper 1250 × 1280 7
Walter Eyre Walter' Ayr Walter Ayr 1275 × 1291 8
Patrick, son of Alice of Reston Patric' filio Alicie de Rystona Patrick, son of Alice of Reston 1250 × 1276 9
Robert of Mordington Robert' de Morthingtona Robert of Mordington 1276 × 1285 10

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
BWK (Berwickshire) land in the villa and territory of Renton medietatem totius terre in uilla et territorio de Rayington Renton