People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 3/507/1 (Camb. Reg., no. 104)

Malcolm, son of Malcolm, son of Roger, with the consent of his parents and friends, has granted and by his present charter established the donation which Roger his grandfather and Malcolm his father made to Cambuskenneth Abbey, namely, of all that land on the west side adjacent to the ‘great road of the four abbots’ which extends to the meadows of the burgesses (of Stirling), and from there to the Forth, and opposite the Forth descending until a certain burn called ‘Fuleche’ descends into the Forth, and against the flow of the ‘Fuleche’ until a certain small syke descends from the east into ‘Fuleche’, and then to the east as far as a certain stone, to the south to an another stone, then to the east to a third stone, and back to the aforesaid ‘great road of the four abbots’, holding in pure and perpetual alms, free from all exaction. The perambulation and sasine of the land were made in the presence of Sir Henry, archdeacon of Dunkeld and Henry of Lamberton constable of Stirling, and many burgesses of Stirling. This is done in return for fraternitas.
Firm date
2 February 1194 X 19 April 1225
Probable date
prob. ca 1203 × 19 Apr. 1225
Dating Notes
Earliest and latest possible dates for Henry, archdeacon of Dunkeld
Source for Data Entry
Cambuskenneth Registrum, no. 104
Trad. ID
Camb. Reg., no. 104
Calendar number
Charter type
Either Malcolm or his father is probably the king’s sergeant (with lands of Kirkton (?), Cambusbarron, ‘Sceot’ and ‘Buthcadroch’) mentioned in a 1215 settlement anent Cambuskenneth’s lands (4/32/26; Camb. Reg., no. 118). This also mentions Hugh Parcur as having land next to the ‘Fulech’. This name could be related to the ‘Falleninch’ near Cambusbarron today (?). If this is true, then the land in question would be south of the Forth, and the ‘Fuleche’ burn would be the Raploch Burn. I wonder if this individual could be the same as Malcolm, the king’s esquire or armour-bearer (3/215/1), who had land in Linlithgow.

Total number of associated factoids: 29

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Date Short Summary Subject Object
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Son of Malcolm, son of Roger (Familial relationship) Malcolm, son of Malcolm son of Roger Malcolm, son of Roger
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Son of Roger (father of Malcolm) (Familial relationship) Malcolm, son of Roger Roger (father of Malcolm)
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Grandfather of Malcolm, son of Malcolm son of Roger (Familial relationship) Roger (father of Malcolm) Malcolm, son of Malcolm son of Roger
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Father of Malcolm, son of Malcolm son of Roger (Familial relationship) Malcolm, son of Roger Malcolm, son of Malcolm son of Roger
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Parents (parentes) of Malcolm, son of Malcolm son of Roger (Familial relationship) Unknown parents of Malcolm son of Malcolm son of Roger Malcolm, son of Malcolm son of Roger
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Friends of Malcolm, son of Malcolm son of Roger (Tenurial & lordship relationship) Unknown, friends of Malcolm son of Malcolm son of Roger Malcolm, son of Malcolm son of Roger
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Son of William, son of Thor, sheriff of Stirling (Familial relationship) Alexander, son of William, sheriff of Stirling William, son of Thor, sheriff of Stirling
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Son of Thor (father of William, sheriff of Stirling) (Familial relationship) William, son of Thor, sheriff of Stirling Thor(ald) (father of William, sheriff of Stirling)
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Son of Renier (father of Adam) (Familial relationship) Adam, son of Renier Renier (father of Adam)
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Son of James (father of William) (Familial relationship) William, son of James James (father of William)
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Brother of William, son of James (Familial relationship) John, brother of William son of James William, son of James
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Brother of William, grieve (father of Thomas) (Familial relationship) Walter, brother of William the grieve William, grieve (father of Thomas)
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Son of William, grieve (father of Thomas) (Familial relationship) Andrew, son of William the grieve William, grieve (father of Adam)

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Date Short Summary Title Holder
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Dominus (Lord/Sir) Henry, archdeacon of Dunkeld (fl.1183×1203-1220×25)
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 constable of Stirling Henry of Lamberton, constable of Stirling
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 archdeacon of Dunkeld Henry, archdeacon of Dunkeld (fl.1183×1203-1220×25)
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 abbot of Cambuskenneth Unknown, abbot of Cambuskenneth
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Dominus (Lord/Sir) Alexander, son of William, sheriff of Stirling
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Dominus (Lord/Sir) William Rede de Camera
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Master Henry, archdeacon of Dunkeld (fl.1183×1203-1220×25)
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Master Robert, master (12/13C)
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Master Alexander of Stirling, master
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 sheriff of Stirling Alexander, son of William, sheriff of Stirling
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 grieve William, grieve (father of Adam)
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 clerk Baldwin, clerk

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Date Short Summary Holder Lord
2 Feb. 1194 X 19 Apr. 1225 Meadows of the burgesses of Stirling Burgesses of Stirling