People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Confirmation of oxgang in Meikleour (PER)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/21/65 (Neville, Strathearn, Add. Chrs., no. 11)
Firm date
1223 X 7 April 1239
Dating Notes
Death of Earl Gilbert × Luke of Muthill (Master Luke?) as archdeacon of Strathearn.
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms; of me and my heirs
Tenendas original language
de me et heredibus meis in puram et perpetuam elemosinam
Sicut clause
Previous mentions of charter
Corroboration / sealing
Spiritual Benefits
Ancestors (pro anima); Any Spiritual Benefit; Self (pro salute anime); Successors (pro anima)

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Fergus, son of Gilbert, earl of Strathearn (d.c.1247) Fergus filius Comitis de Stratheren Fergus, son of the earl of Strathearn 1203 × 1239
Beneficiary Coupar Angus Abbey (fd.1164) beate Marie de Cupro blessed Mary of Coupar 1162 × 1358
Sicut Clause Robert, earl of Strathearn (1223-45) R. fratris mei Sir R[obert], earl, my brother 1200 × 1244
Sicut Clause Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249) domini Regis lord king 1199 × 1249

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Innocent, abbot of Inchaffray (fl.1221-35) Innocentio Sir Innocent, abbot of Inchaffray 1214 × 1235 1
Gilbert, archdeacon of Dunblane (fl.1203×10-1235×39) Gilleberto Gilbert, archdeacon of Strathearn 1203 × 1235 2
Denis, dean of Angus and Forfar (fl.1211×14-1225×39) Dionisio Dennis, dean of Forfar 1202 × 1225 3
Luke of Muthill, master, archdeacon of Dunblane Luca Master Lucas 1232 × 1240 4
John Hay (I), lord of Naughton (d.×Oct.1266) Iohanne de Haia John de Hay 1214 × 1266 5
Malise, son of Gilla na Náem, steward of earls of Strathearn Malis Malise, steward of Strathearn 1200 × 1237 6
John Bell Iohanne de Bello John de Bell 1239 × 1245 7
William Hay, clerk of earls of Strathearn Willelmo clerico de Haia William de Haye, clerk 1212 × 1223 8
Roger de Louvetot, knight Roger de Luuetot Roger de Luvetot 1234 × 1234 9