People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Seal-Matrix: Patrick, earl of Dunbar (d.1289) (counterseal 2)

Patrick (III), earl of Dunbar (d.1289)
Matrix Shape
Image description (obverse)
Second counterseal of the earl, formed from an antique gem *intaglio* matrix, and depicts a lion preying on a stag, below a star of six points.
Image description (reverse)
Legend (obverse)
IE SV SEL DE AMVR LELL (“I am the seal of true love”).
Legend (reverse)
Stevenson and Wood describe this as the reverse of a double-sided seal, but it was certainly single-sided; the earl’s first and third seals were both single-sided, and the supposed reverse of this seal has significantly smaller and differently-shaped dimensions than those described here. That it was a counterseal described here is confirmed by Stevenson and Wood’s own note that it was engraved from an antique gem. Dimensions: 7/8 × 13/16 in. SW II, p.335.