People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Ragnvald, king of the Isles (d.1229)

Ragnvald (Rögnvaldr, Reginald) was the eldest, but illegitimate, son of Godred (d.1187), son of Óláf (d.1153), kings of Man and the Isles; his mother might have been an Irishwoman named Sadb. Godred had a legitimate son, Óláf, whom he wanted as his successor, but the Manxmen preferred Rognvald, who was older. A sister, Affreca, is also found, and she married John de Courcy in 1204. Rognvald allegedly founded St Mary's Priory at Douglas. He had a son, Godred Dond, a daughter who married Rhodri ab Owain Gwynedd and another daughter who married Thomas, illegitimate son of Alan, lord of Galloway. In perhaps 1198, he was granted the earldom of Caithness. He also held lands in Lancashire from 1205, and later in Ireland. In 1224, his kingdom was divided between him and his brother, Óláf, with Rognvald retaining Man and some of the Isles, and the title of king, but on 14 February 1229 at Tynwald, the brothers faced each other in battle and Rognvald was killed. His body was taken to St Mary's Abbey at Furness and buried there. His son Godred briefly succeeded him.
1190 × 1223
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Gift of Isle of Man to the Papacy Grantor 2/139/75 (Dip. Norv., vii, no. 11)
unavailable Oath of obligation and promise to pay 12 marks yearly in England at monastery of Furness Grantor 2/139/75 (Dip. Norv., vii, no. 11)
unavailable Concession of liberty to choose bishop of Isles Grantor 2/11/5 (Furness C.B., ii, pt. III, no. 6)
10 Nov. 1187 X 1226 Concession of firm peace Grantor 1/15/2 (Chart. St Mary's, Dublin, ii, 14)
10 Nov. 1187 X 1226 Gift of half of land called 'Ormesham' and land of 'Asmundertoftes' with liberties which monks of Rushen have Grantor Cospatric, son of Henry; Dermot, archdeacon of Man (fl.1188×1226); Laurence, persona of St Bride; Reginald (Ragnvald), chaplain (in Man); Reginald, son of Dermic 1/15/3 (St B. Reg., no. 44)
10 Nov. 1187 X 1226 Gift of hospital of 'Ballacgniba', 'Dalhamer', church of St Ninian of 'Ballacgniba' and church of St Ronan Grantor 1/15/5 (Stringer, Whithorn, no. 1)
1188 X 1190 Renewal of possessions and liberties Grantor Cospatric, son of Henry; Dermot, archdeacon of Man (fl.1188×1226); Donald, son of Kerald; Jocelin, abbot of Rushen (Man); John of Ripon, master; Malcolm, chaplain (Man); Rory, brother of King Ragnvald; William, chaplain of Dalton 1/15/1 (Furness C.B., ii, pt. III, no. 5)
16 May 1212 Announcement that he has become liegeman of King John of England Addressor Geoffrey fitz Peter, earl of Essex (d.1213); Peter des Roches, bishop of Winchester (d.1238); Saer de Quincy, earl of Winchester (d.1219); Warin, son of Gerald; William Briwere; William Longespée, earl of Salisbury (d.1226) 1/15/6 (Chron. Man App., no. 7)
21 Sept. 1219 Gift of Isle of Man Grantor Cadwgan, bishop of Bangor (d.1241); Conrad, clerk; Harding of Pavia, master, papal subdeacon; Holan, steward of King of Man; Ivo, master; Ivo, son of Hollwed; James, master, papal scribe; John de Venafro, master; John of London, scribe; John, clerk (Man); Luke of Wissant, priest, chaplain; Martin of Chichester, steward; Pandulf, nepos of Pandulf Masca; Peter de Babutio, master; Peter de Collemedio, master, papal chaplain; Rusticus, scribe; Stephen, nepos of Stephen the cardinal-priest 1/15/7 (Chron. Man App., no. 8)
9 Nov. 1219 Command to admonish prince of Man and not to allow bishop there from possessing bishopric named person (transaction) 2/139/35 (Theiner, no. 31)
20 Jan. 1223 Request to endow churches with at least 30 paces of land Addressee 2/139/72 (Dip. Norv., vii, no. 9)
23 May 1223 Confirmation of donation of Isle of Man to Papacy with grant of protection Beneficiary 2/139/75 (Dip. Norv., vii, no. 11)
1228 Letter to Henry III of England about certain events named person (transaction) 1/16/1 (CDS, v, no. 9)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
23 May 1223 Isle of Man Holder (possession) 2/139/75 (Dip. Norv., vii, no. 11)