People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Unknown, prior of Melrose

1221 × 1222
Related Place

Total number of associated factoids: 14

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
4 Dec. 1214 X 4 Feb. 1233 Gift of land in Maxton (ROX) Perambulator Adam of Maxton, master; Thomas de Normanville, knight; Walter de Fonte; William Francis (the Frenchman) 3/443/4 (Melr. Lib., no. 249)
23 Apr. 1221 Command to allow R., priest, who has lost his mind, to come and go as he pleases Addressee 2/139/51 (Theiner, no. 47)
21 Dec. 1222 Appointment of papal judges-delegate Appointee 2/139/70 (Dunf. Reg., no. 212A)
unavailable Papal mandate appointing judges delegate in case between Scone Abbey and Dunfermline Abbey over teinds Addressee 4/32/52 (Dunf. Reg., no. 212)
21 Dec. 1222 X 18 Mar. 1227 Settlement of dispute between Dunfermline Abbey and Scone Abbey over teinds parish of Perth Addressor 4/32/52 (Dunf. Reg., no. 212)
29 Nov. 1229 Appointment of papal judges-delegate Appointee 2/140/24 (Theiner, no. 67)
13 Dec. 1229 X 1231 Gift of land in Penshiel and money (ELO) named person (transaction) Alan, abbot of Balmerino (d.1236); Andrew of Synton (I), knight (12/13C); Geoffrey del Bois (13C); James, son of William; John Albigensian, master; John Comyn, lord of Badenoch (d.1277); Malcolm, son of Earl Mael Domnaig of Lennox (d.c.1248); Ness, master, king's physician; Thomas of Galloway, earl of Atholl (d.1231); Thomas of Kent, clerk of Alan of Galloway; Walter Stewart (II), son of Alan (d.1241); William, chaplain (Stewart) 3/403/6 (Melr. Lib., no. 211)

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Date Short Summary Source
4 Dec. 1214 X 4 Feb. 1233 prior of Melrose 3/443/4 (Melr. Lib., no. 249)
23 Apr. 1221 prior of Melrose 2/139/51 (Theiner, no. 47)
21 Dec. 1222 prior of Melrose 2/139/70 (Dunf. Reg., no. 212A)
21 Dec. 1222 X 18 Mar. 1227 prior of Melrose 4/32/52 (Dunf. Reg., no. 212)
21 Dec. 1222 X 18 Mar. 1227 judge-delegate 4/32/52 (Dunf. Reg., no. 212)
29 Nov. 1229 prior of Melrose 2/140/24 (Theiner, no. 67)
13 Dec. 1229 X 1231 prior of Melrose 3/403/6 (Melr. Lib., no. 211)