People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Sale of a cellar in villa of Perth

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/296/6 (NRS, GD 160/112 (2))
Firm date
Probable date
Mid- to late- 13th century
Dating Notes
Grantor, witnesses
in perpetuity
Tenendas original language
in perpetuum
Returns / Renders
money: pennies
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Sealer John of Inchyra (son of Duncan) 1240 × 1283
Grantor David of Inchyra dd de Inchesyrith frater Johannis de Inchesyrith David of Inchyra, brother of John of Inchyra 1266 × 1283
Beneficiary Christian de l'Isle, sheriff of Perth Cristino de Insula Christian de l’Isle, burgess of Perth 1259 × 1290
Consentor John of Inchyra (son of Duncan) predicti Johannis fratris mei said John my brother 1240 × 1283
Neighbouring landholder John Sparetunt, burgess of Perth Johannis Sparchunt John 'Sparchunt' 1258 × 1258
Neighbouring landholder Richard, son of William son of Serlo Ric' filium Willelmi filii serlon' Richard son of William son of Serlo
named person (transaction) Alexander (II or III), king of Scots domino Regi lord king

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
John Bell Johanne de bell' Sir John de Belle 1239 × 1245 1
John Cockin, grieve of Perth Johanne cokin Sir John Cockin 1240 × 1245 2
Andrew Teket/Cheket Andr' teket Andrew Teket 1240 × 1270 3
Martin of Lynn martino de Lenn' Martin of Lynn 1244 × 1270 4
Nicholas of Scarborough Nich' de scarzeburch Nicholas of Scarborough 1240 × 1245 5
Andrew Dunstan Andr' dunstan Andrew Dunstan 6
John Blund, knight Johanne blundo John Blund 1245 × 1273 7
Henry Tendeman, merchant of Leith henrico tendeman Henry the teindman 1240 × 1240 8
Gilbert, son of Wimarc Gilleberto fil' huymarc Gilbert son of Wymark 9
Michael Threepence, clerk of the king michaele troydener' Michael Threepence, clerk of the king 10

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
PER (Perthshire) cellar of David of Inchyra in Perth cellarium in villa de Perth Perth