People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Seal-Matrix: Saer de Quincy, earl of Winchester (d.1219) (2?)

Saer de Quincy, earl of Winchester (d.1219)
Matrix Shape
Image description (obverse)
Apparent single-sided seal of Saer de Quincy, earl of Winchester (d.1219). The seal depicts the earl on horseback to *sinister*, wearing a mail hauberk and a surcoat, and carrying a sword and a long convex shield, which is ornamented and has a central spike.
Image description (reverse)
Legend (obverse)
[ ]GILL [ ] SAERI [ ] (“Seal…of Saer…”).
Legend (reverse)
Note: this is a detached seal and it is possible that it in fact pertains either to Saer’s uncle, Saer (d.1190), or the latter Saer’s son (d.1192). Dimensions: 2 ¼ in. diameter. SW III, p.551.