People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of 10 acres in the plough-land of 'Coteflat', with one toft and a croft on 1 acres on the west side of Richard's garden, in return for a certain sum of money

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/478/7 (ND, App., no. 222)
Firm date
Probable date
late 1240s
Dating Notes
David Graham, sheriff of Berwick, as witness

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Simon, son of Elias of Prenderguest Symon filius Elie de Prenderguest Simon, son of Elias of Prenderguest 1242 × 1249
Beneficiary Coldingham Priory (fd.1139) monachis de apud Coldingham the monks at Coldingham 1107 × 1368
named person (transaction) Richard of Prenderguest Ricardi fratris mei Richard, my brother 1242 × 1249

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
David Graham (III), sheriff of Berwick (d.c.1272) D. de Graham Sir David of Graham, sheriff of Berwick 1220 × 1259 1
David of Haddington, son of Hugh White D' de Hadington Sir David of Haddington 1235 × 1251 2
Ralph Noble, father Rad' Nobili Sir Ralph Noble 1232 × 1256 3
Alan of Harcarse, knight Alan' de Harecar' Sir Alan of Harcarse 1247 × 1273 4
William of Scremerston, knight Willelmo de Scremeston Sir William of Scremeston 1242 × 1254 5
Adam Malherbe of Morham Ada de Morh' Sir Adam of Morham 1243 × 1250 6
Robert of Paxton (son of Ada) Rob' de Pauxton Sir Robert of Paxton 1234 × 1249 7
Adam, son of John of Ayton Ad' fil' Joh' de Ayton Sir Adam, son of John of Ayton 1242 × 1250 8
Adam, son of Walter of Ayton Ad' fil' Walteri de eadem Adam, son of Walter of (Ayton) 1246 × 1263 9
Patrick Scott (brother of John Scott of Reston) Patricio Scot Patrick Scott 1242 × 1270 10
Patrick, son of Colman Patricio filio Coleman de Aldecambus Patrick, son of Colman of Oldcambus 1242 × 1255 11

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
BWK 10 acres of land in the ploughland of Coteflat decem acras terre in cultura de Coteflat Coteflatte
BWK toft and croft on the west side of Richard of Prenderguest's garden crofto unius ac' terre ex occidentali parte gardini Ricardi fratris mei Coldingham